Code of Conduct for SFI NOLF2 Members

Our goal is to earn the prestige that comes with having one of the most respectable and active Clans in the NOLF gaming community, while having fun at the same time. That can only happen with the presence of dedicated Members. The following rules have been set forth so that every Member knows what is expected of them. First-time offenders will usually have a friendly sit down with Division leaders. Repeated offenders can be terminated.

One clan, one player, one membership. By joining SFI you agree to play under their name only for all games that SFI has divisions of. It is a conflict of interest to play for SFI in the NOLF division and another clan for a different division. Check the clan website for a list of all games we have divisions of. You still have to apply to other sections even after being accepted into the NOLF division, since the division leaders make the final decision about who gets to be in their area.If you play games [SFI] isnt involved in, then great, join another clan for that game. Just don't join another clan that plays the same games we do as that could become a conflict of interest.

All members must wear the SFI clan tag before their name while online in a game server. The Tag looks like this: {SFI}Your Name

We expect our members to be playing in the SFI servers at least a couple times a week. Also, it is extremely important that the forums be checked regularly in order for you to keep informed of the latest news.

Members must make every effort to attend practice sessions and matches. We ask that you try to attend at least one practice per week. At these practices we work on improving your skills and the skills of the team, as well as establishing bonds of friendship and camaraderie.

We want everyone to have fun with this, but the fun is greatly diminished if our members aren’t actively involved. Your attendance and participation is integral to the existence of SFI. We understand the different time zones, school, work and recreational barriers that have to be overcome and we will do our best to work around them.

If you are going offline for an extended period of time you should post in the ‘Shore Leave’ section in the Forum with the particulars of the situation and when you expect to return. As long as you keep us informed you won't be mistakenly labeled inactive.

A continuous lack of appearance in practices, matches or on the forums without notification could result in your status being changed to inactive. This means you would no longer be allowed access to the members section of the forums, you could be removed from the NOLF email list and have your name removed from the active members list.

A sign-in list will be posted every couple months in the forums. It is mandatory for you to post in that topic that you are still active or you could end up being retired from the clan and no longer considered a part of SFI. Communication is essential for the clan to know who is still around. We want this to be an active clan!

Online gaming can be a highly intense experience and in the heat of the moment our emotions can get the better of us. Nevertheless, while you are wearing the [SFI] tag your behavior is a reflection of the entire Clan, so please try to maintain your composure, whether you're winning or losing. A good rule to keep in mind is to always treat everyone with respect, your opponents as well as your teammates. Congratulating for good games, skilled shots or smart moves keeps the atmosphere enjoyable for everyone. Bragging can be tempting, but please do it in an inoffensive way if you cannot help yourself. Avoid complaining overly much about lag, especially if in someone else’s server, for this is something we all have problems with now and then. Profanity is not allowed for any reason! Neither are racial or personal slurs. Arguing will not be tolerated in a public server. If you have an issue with another member you should bring it to a leader to mediate or take it elsewhere.

You must abide by all the rules and regulations of all Tournaments in which we participate as well as any rules posted in servers we play in. This includes our rules as listed on our ‘Servers’ page. Failure to follow conduct rules may result in your termination. We want to maintain a very good relationship with all clans, players and the NOLF community in general.

WE NEVER, EVER CHEAT! It may be tempting, but it is strictly forbidden in SFI. No Cheats or mods of any sort! Do not take advantage of map flaws. Avoid restricted areas that the mapmaker did not intend for you to venture into during games. We DO NOT want to be known as a clan of cheats, so any proof that a member has been cheating will result in them being removed immediately.

If you witness someone cheating during a match, take a screenshot if possible (F8 key), then using team chat give a detailed explanation of what you saw to whoever is in charge. Do not throw out cheating accusations! Just because someone doesn’t die easily or they seem to appear out of nowhere does not mean they are cheating. Frequently these things can be explained away due to player skill or a high ping issue. If the cheating is determined to be real, the clan leaders will get involved and handle the problem. No matter what, keep playing the game.

The clan provides a forum for the members to use and it is mandatory that you check it on a regular basis. We hope you will also post now and then. Due to some topics being open to the public, we insist that members use discretion in their posts. No profanity, no personal insults, no clan bashing, no ongoing disputes, no off color comments… in other words, keep it clean and considerate.

Members will be promoted to the various positions in the NOLF division based on things such as: game participation, clan involvement, dedication to the clan, assistance when needed and personal skills. If you wish to take on a position in the clan, contact the leaders and they will gladly discuss it with you. It doesn’t matter if you are new to the clan or a Senior Recruiter, you are always encouraged to express any thoughts, ideas or suggestions that might improve the division.

If you feel that you are ready to move on, we will understand and wish you the best. After all, it is a game and not to be taken too seriously. We don't want any messy breakups and we hope you stop by every now and then to let us know what you have been up to. Once you state you are leaving the clan, we will wait a day or two before removing your forum permissions in the hope that you might change your mind and if you wish to return at a later date the leaders will be glad to talk to you about it. Please remember to cease using your clan tag after you’ve left SFI.

If you have any questions about this Code contact Belladonna and she'll be glad to clarify it for you or you can always contact the founder of the clan, Eliteone.